Archaeology, Turkey, and The Future

I had originally came on this field school to Antiochia Ad Cragum in order to see if archaeology would be something that I wanted to do as a career and for the rest of my life. But this project has been so much more than just that. From seeing sites like Perge and...

Second Week

After a week of clearing wall fall and loose, organic soil we were finally able to open Trench 4 on the acropolis of Antiochia ad Cragum. After taking beginning measurements for height and trench dimensions, we began another 10 centimeter pass over Locus 2 and we...

First Week

The week began with a short tour of the site, focusing primarily on the Temple and the bath complex. We then moved to the Upper Acropolis where many of the students would be working. At first glance, the site contained several standing walls, composed of mortar,...