Final Thoughts

During this trip I focused on learning many archeological techniques. I also tried hard to learn as much of the history of the place we are uncovering as I could, constantly asking different professors about their finds and what they meant, as well as pondering about...

Skills Learned From Archeology

I worked for a month in Turkey on the site of Antiochia ad Cragum. This is a site of great importance, as it was the regional capital, and because it is one of the few Roman sites to be excavated on the south coast of Turkey. This combination was perfect for learning...

Small Bath

My goal for this internship was to gain introductory experience in as many different aspects of archeology as I could, and this week’s work answered my wishes with me being redirected to the small bath for the duration of the week.I began the week by uncovering the...

Unexpectedness after weeks of planning

Having read all of the reading for the excavation, I was expecting to find myself doing a lot of minute work with the trowel, and though that is sure to come, the first week has proven to be the complete opposite. We have been hauling rocks, tearing down a wall,...