Adventures of The Filthy Five (Finale)

  AC5 closed                                                           AC4 closed   Alas, the time has come for the end of our heroes’, The Filthy Five’s, epic journey at Antiochia ad Cragum. As the beautiful and sparkling nymphs weep along the ancient coastline...

Adventures of The Filthy Five (Part 2)

O Muses, go forth and continue to spin your golden threads and weave us the continuing tales of the Filthy Five; tales of such resounding strength that would liken the raging Achilles to a docile housecat; tales of such discovery and adventure that the conquests and...

Adventures of The Filthy Five (Part One)

It was a hot day, like every other, in the land of Turkey when Kirbus the Great looked upon the dusty walls of his new home on the Cragos of Antiochia.  Accompanied by his faithful, and wiser, companions Anna the Fearless and Lizzy the Mighty, Kirbus directed his eyes...

Coming Back

Back home on the Acropolis Coming from a small (very small) town in Missouri, I never would have expected to travel to Turkey, much less for a second time.  Last year’s experience can be summed up in one word “unreal.” I had finally done it, for I...

Archaeology and an Ole

This month in Turkey has ended too soon. So many questions still need contemplation and so many areas need excavation, but I’m hopeful that, in due time, the full extent of this excavation and its web of historical complexities will be fully understood by all...