The Dig House Roof

The dig house roof is one of my favorite places in Gazipaşa. Though it might seem obscure, I think the ambiance of evenings spent there as a group capture the idyllic quality of this internship experience as a whole. On the roof, we sprawl out on Sali Pazari mats as...

Another Multifaceted Characteristic

This month in a nutshell: 13 young Americans, dozens of Turks, two semi-reliable busses, one cramped dig house, one washing machine, three pairs of dig shorts, six hours of sleep, one ever-changing acropolis, and me, hanging out somewhere in that dynamic, trying to...

AC Unit 2: A Eulogy

As Friday, 20 July, marked the completion of AC Unit 2, I am now ready to dust off the bedrock, record elevations, and pay homage to this special unit. On Monday, my attention will turn toward a new area, AC 6B, and though I am excited to embark on a fresh adventure,...

Reconstruct the Parameters

“I have an archaeological internship in Turkey for the month of July…. Yeah, it is pretty unique…. No, I don’t know anything about archaeology…. Yup, it’ll be an adventure!” I found myself repeating phrases like these throughout all of June as family friends and...

Ispanak and Findik

When my flight touched down in Gazipaşa-Alanya Airport seven days ago, I had no idea that in one week’s time, my knowledge and perspective would have evolved so drastically. My experience here has been nothing but laughter, learning, and of course dirt (and...