A Good Month To Have a Month

Being an archaeological intern in Turkey is now a milestone in my life. While it lasted only a month, the skills I obtained in excavation methods, data collection and interpretation, as well as photogrammetry are enough to launch a career in archaeology, something I...

A Sick Experience

Patience is a learned skill; it is a virtue that archaeology requires and not all possess. This trip has taught me how critical it is to be patient and proceed my digging with a certain finesse and rhythm. It is important to work cautiously, not only for my own...

Putting Up with Schist

The beautiful nature of extended experiences like this is that you get to see your peers at their best and worst. By living with my peers and new friends for two weeks now, I have had the chance to interact with everyone at their best of times and worst of times....

First Impressions of Turkey

I did not know what to expect of Turkey as I disembarked the plane at the Gazipasa airport. My only previous experience with the country involved my awestruck self gazing at vast coastlines that separated the most blue of waters from lush deserts, and jagged...