Goodbye, Gazipasa

One of the most important lessons I learned here was how to apply conceptual knowledge to our real world finding in the field. At our professor’s request, my team and I all collaborated with each other to form our own ideas, theories, and speculations about our...


If I were to summarize my time in Turkey to a potential employer, I would emphasize that this experience has taught me resilience. In addition, it has allowed me to grow my archaeology knowledge, team-work skills, and critical thinking skills.  Through this...

The Best Workout Routine

Working on the dig site this week has been incredibly challenging and rewarding. The labor itself is very hard: days at the site are exhausting, bringing sore muscles and a desperate need to nap on the bus back. That being said, I have learned to appreciate these...

Thank You, Türkiye!

Traveling to Turkey has been an adventure full of surprises. I’m from the Midwest next to the Great Plains region, and before this I had never seen a mountain range in my life. Turkey’s high cliffs, hot sandy beaches, and dusty powdered earth are a change. Lots of the...