This Ending is Only the Beginning

A year ago, if someone told me that I would spend five weeks in Turkey excavating a Roman acropolis with a team of American students, I would have laughed in that person’s face. I never thought that would be me. When I was younger, I dreamed of being an archaeologist...

Peach Cobbler

I am all for summer cookouts. The sizzle of burgers on the grill, the sensation of piping-hot cobbler mixing with freezing vanilla ice cream, the subtle hint of sweet corn in the air – I love it all. This, however, is not a common occurrence in Turkey; in fact, it...

The Cave

Saturday mornings are always filled with the exciting prospects of freedom, leisure, and exploration. The words “free day” rattle around in our heads, dizzying us with excitement as we imagine what the day holds for us. This Saturday, however, is no ordinary Saturday....

My Morning Ritual

Never have I hated an alarm clock so much. Every morning, at five o’clock sharp, I drag myself out of bed and feel my way to the light switch, received by a chorus of groans from the other five girls in the room. For the next half hour, I bumble around the room,...

Don’t Sweat It

The most significant shock of Turkey is easily the heat. Coming from southern Indiana, I thought 100 degrees and 90% humidity would feel just like home, but something about Gazipaşa morphs the stifling heat into a greater beast. The constant state of sweatiness,...