There and Back Again

And so ends Antiochia Field School 2014. For those who don’t know me, I have had my eyes set on a career in archaeology since Prof. Howe suggested it to me my freshman year at St. Olaf. However, I had no experience with archaeology whatsoever and, to be honest,...


If I could describe Turkey in one word, it would be recycled. And I don’t assign some of the common connotations associated with this word like hand-me-down or worn. Recycled, in the way I am using it, instead holds connotations of rejuvenated, reinvented, well...

Rock Bottom

Thus ends the first full week of work here at Antiochia ad Cragum. One of the most interesting things I have noticed about the actual digging process is that you never know with 100% certainty what is beneath 1 meter of soil or 1 cm or even a light cover of dust. In...

Look Around You

Look around you. This is what our instructors have been telling us from day once, not because we might be impaled by poisoned arrows from an Indiana Jones-esque booby trap, but because we must understand and experience the land in which our cultural ancestors have...