
Reflecting back on my time in Turkey, I’m flooded by a seemingly endless tide of memories. Seriously, I’m not just posturing; I honestly believe my time in Turkey was the most incredible five weeks of my life. Privileging a single memory above all the others seems...


Since I write this with only a final few days left in Turkey, it seems like the appropriate time to reflect on all the things one should after a life-changing experience. While there’s much to be pensive about, perhaps that which is most important to me is reflecting...

Beauty in the Background

5:00 AM, it’s time to wake up. It’s time to get out of bed, brush teeth, put on clothes, and not wake the late sleepers. 5:35, the bus is coming. The bus is crowded, most get to sit, an unfortunate few stand. 6:10 the bus arrives at the dig-site. Breakfast is served...

Perception and Reality

You may be surprised, as I was, to hear that it was common people assumed my time in Turkey would be leisurely. Conversely, you may be one of those who think what we’re doing in Gaziapasa is nothing more than a glorified vacation. I’m not sure where this perception...

Adaptation and Exploration

Before arriving in Gazipasa people always asked me how I felt about traveling to Turkey. Truth be told, I never knew how to respond to them. I didn’t exactly feel scared, but I didn’t exactly feel excited either. To put it simply, the whole situation felt so surreal...