
Archeology is a guessing game. We hypothesis, analyze, postulate – trying to understand what is happening in our trench and what that says about what is happening in the surrounding area. This can be difficult. Nothing an archeologist says is 100 %. Rather it is what...

Ah Ha!

Last year I wrote a blog entry titled “Ah ha!” – describing the moment when the connections between our site, the sites we had been visiting, and the information gleaned from our lectures came together – this was the moment in which I realized the significance of...

Me? Fall in love? Never…

The materials we were given in preparation for our time on the Semester in the Mediterranean (something myself and David C. are both venturing off to now that the season has ended at Antiochia) jokingly included the advice to not fall in love with the places we would...

Trench 3 rules!

Why does Trench 3 rule? Simple, of all the trenches to be closed on the acropolis, it provided us with some of the most incredible detail and information regarding the acropolis’s usage and purpose towards the end of its occupation. The pottery remains, broken glass,...

Ah Ha!

Over the course of the past few weeks, we have been reading various articles with information about sites, history, and other topics that relate in some way to our own site or serve as a comparison to our own site. The intent of these reading was that we would be able...