I can’t believe it’s over

These past five weeks have been absolutely amazing.  I have learned so much during my time in Turkey.  For example, how much I dislike schist! In all seriousness, I learned so much about the history of the area, and how important Antiochia was as a harbor and city.  I...

Wait… Is This Bedrock?

Week four has seen some frustrating days up at the North East Temple.  As our time here draws to a close and our trench grows ever deeper, we are looking for bedrock.  We are hoping to find the bedrock; however the soil at the Temple is very hard and compact.  It is a...

It’s All Going by so Fast

I can’t believe that it’s the end of week three already! It was certainly an exciting week up at the Temple.  We continue to make progress on the north trench, dividing it into many different sections as we continue to work on it.  We have found some...

Just Keep Digging….

Week two has seen some interesting developments. The North East Temple trenches have seen some interesting turns. The northern trench has now been divided into 5 different locus, or areas of study that are determined by changes in location, soil composition, and...

Every Plant Wants to Hurt You

Week one has certainly been an adventure.  I have gotten pricked and scratched by what seems like every plant on the hill.  I have been working in the two trenches that have been created by the temple.  Before we could do anything with the them, they first needed to...