That’ll Do, Pig. That’ll Do.

Swept, shovelled, cleaned and cleared. The trenches are ready for the rainy Turkish winter,  and we walked away from the acropolis for the last time. It was a bittersweet moment, filled with and odd mixture of “job well done, lad,” and “OMYGAWD NO...

I’ve Hit Rock Bottom.

Literally. Which isn’t a bad thing, actually. Bedrock and I have become very good friends. For you non-geologists out there, bedrock is the lowest level of rock you can hit. Bedrock is the El Dorado of trench excavation. When you find it, you know that...

Don’t call it dirt.

It’s called soil. This week was one of those rather surreal experiences that one has every once and a while- incidentally, said experiences usually coincide with when one chooses to leave the country and go dig in the soil (nor dirt) in the Mediterranean. Days...