Final Post

Looking back on my experience in Turkey on the long plane ride home, I realized that I have learned so much not only about archaeology, but about working efficiently with a team and traveling and living in a foreign country. It was hard to see how much I truly learned...

Final Days: Fun, Sun, and …

The last full week has been a lot of fun, and really productive! We moved from trench 2A to 2C, and nearly reached floor by Friday! It’s easier to see the entire building coming together now that the bulk has been taken down and you can get a full view of the...

Week 3

Another great week at Antiochia! The highlight of my week at the site was hitting floor in our trench, and getting to move from moving large amounts of dirt to working with trowels. It was fun finally reaching our goal and seeing all of the progress we had made....

Week Two

I can hardly believe the week has gone by so fast, it seems like I just wrote my last blog post! I have been learning a lot, about both archaeology and the Turkish culture. We’ve been finding more and more things at the site every day, and we are finally getting...

Week One

So far, the first five days in Turkey have been a blast, and I can’t wait to experience the next three weeks! It was a little rough getting adjusted after a long day of travel and on top of that getting up at 5 am the next day, but I think most of us have made...