How I Spent My Summer Vacation

This has been one of the most interesting programs I have ever been on. From the culture to the language barrier to the diverse group of people in our class to the unique work we were doing on a daily basis, it is almost impossible to really capture in words what this...

Touring Turkey

This past weekend we got the opportunity to go see some popular sites. We visited Perge, Aspendos and Side. It was incredible to see sites that were finished or close to being so. Perge was our first stop and the site that was the most similar to our site. It was...


This past weekend we visited Alanya and went to the Museum of Archeaology which was really interesting. There was some great artifacts and blurbs about things similar to what we are focusing on. There was even a Pegasus ornament that was used on an antique ship that...

Sweaty Diggin’

Hot. Sweaty. Chucking rocks. That pretty much sums up our first few days here at Antioch. Since we are the first group to be excavating the upper acropolis of the Antioch site, there was still a lot of brush, roots, and big rocks that needed to be moved before we...