Everything is over, I am the last straggler at the dig house. The excavation ended on Thursday, it was a hell of a day. Supposedly there is some magic that never ceases to occur on these final days, and I prove it true. I had a profound archaeologist moment when I...

Wrapping up

Without hesitation I would repeat this experience again. A day hasn’t gone by that I feel a little homesick or worn out, but these negative feelings pale in comparison with positives incurred. For everything I have gained, experience, knowledge, friends,...

A whole new world

Cultural immersion I am growing into my life as a young man, becoming wise to the ways of the world. Here and now I have a fresh new perspective on everything. At least that is how I have been thinking about it… Life and leisure is conducted in a different...

Week 2

The first full week of excavating is now behind us. Muscles are sore and our trenches are becoming deep. A few interesting features have been uncovered in the last few days, which I will talk about later. We have settled into our work areas for the reminder of the dig...

Just keep digging!

5 days have passed since I first arrived at the Istanbul Airport (Ataturk) and a lot has happened. First I had a the chance to take a quick run through the city sightseeing at various points of interest, all while being enamored by the exotic beauty of the country...