Wrapping Up the Season

I have learned quite a bit over these past four weeks, and not just about one thing. I feel like I’ve had the opportunity to grow in so may capacities, whether that’s as an archaeologist, or just as a young person exploring the world by myself for the first time. I...

The Impact of Antiochia

Yes! I was able to go to Turkey for a month during my last summer of college to work at a field school at the site Antiochia ad Cragum. That was my first experience with hands-on archaeology, and it was a fantastic learning experience. Besides learning all of the ins...

Figuring Things Out™

These past two weeks working at Antiochia have taught me a lot about my engagement with archaeology as a whole. Coming into this with really only a course on theory under my belt, I was not sure what to expect when  it came to how I would apply that knowledge...

These past two weeks working at Antiochia have taught me a lot about my engagement with archaeology as a whole. Coming into this with really only a course on theory under my belt, I was not sure what to expect when  it came to how I would apply that knowledge...

Rocks & Roots

The first week here in Turkey has been a pretty chaotic one to say the least. I myself had a bit of a rough start after my bag was delayed in Istanbul for a day, leaving me with very few possessions for the first day in Gazipasa (I cannot figure out how to type and s...