For Future Interns

The strongest piece of advice I would give to future interns is to try to get to know everyone. Everyone outside of you Oles are from across America and Europe. Their stories are amazing. They are all eager to talk about their research and daily site activities....

Three Things

During my time in Turkey, there were a few primary things that I learned that are important to the kind of work I want to do in my future. The first is the plain work ethic. I would wake up at 5 every morning and get ready for a long day of digging. Now this digging...

Archaeology and Me

After two weeks of working, I have learned the deep intricacies of Archaeology, which extend beyond the limits of the ground in which we dig. Coming into this, I knew very little past the science of it, and the practice of doing it. Dig artifacts up from the earth,...

Week 1 — A full mind/body experience.

At this point in the internship, I have had time to think, work, and reflect, all of which have been fruitful endeavors. The work of the internship, the physical work, has been truly enjoyable. I love working in the sun and heat, wearing myself out digging. It is...