Evil Eye

Today, I gave in to the tourist trap and bought a leather bracelet with the evil eye on it. It’s staring at me as I write this, and I can’t help thinking that it’s just a little bit badass. I feel pretty dang strong with a cool black cuff around my wrist, and I bought...

What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger

Our month in Turkey has just flown by and I can’t believe that we only have one and a half dig days left. I feel like that it is not enough time, like there is still so much left to discover and so much left that I want to know. But I guess we have to leave something...

Its a Wild Place at the Pirate Tower

Over the last four weeks there have been some very interesting events that have happened. But through these four weeks I have learned many things about myself.  After completing very hard work I have learned that when I set my mind to it I can get some crazy work done...

It’s name is NIVO

Working as an archaeologist has been hard work, the farthest from a vacation. There have been many different skills I learned throughout the last two weeks that will eventually help me in my future career. One of the most important skills that I have learned is...

Getting Down and Dirty

Working as an archeologist has been a hard and crazy experience complete with scorpions, snakes, lots of bushes and dirt. But the biggest eye opener has been spending time with the students from Turkey. Being thrown into a different culture is hard, but living with a...