Final Reflections

My time in Turkey has been rather memorable. I have learned a lot here (like how to tell the difference between schisty soil and bedrock, which is harder than you might think sometimes), and although I am very excited to go home, I am sad to say goodbye. Over the last...

Week Four

This week I continued my habit of trench hopping and worked in several different areas on the site. I started off the week in Brad’s trench, which had still not been officially opened. With various numbers of people coming in and out of the trench our goal was...

Week Three

I spent most of week three working with the lovely ladies up at the temple, in the north trench. The  north temple trench is formed by two retaining walls that we think were used to protect the temple from alluvium washed down the hill side,  and a third wall that...

Week Two

Last week I worked on a variety of things at the site. I started off the week helping everyone finish clearing out the acropolis so that we could finally open our trenches. After more rock and brush clearing, we were finally able to measure and mark out our trenches...

Week 1

We started our Turkey adventure this week exhausted from our travels, but very excited to get to work. After a little a bit of sleep we headed out to the dig site. We started the work day with a tour of the site where we learned the various areas where we would be...