Here at the End of All Things

Let me start by saying that this class turns so much of what defines a typical college course on its head. Let me explain. Basically any given college course has an explicit, well-defined focus. If you decide to take an organic chemistry class, you know you’re going...

Murder ad Cragum (Part 1)

I like my cases like I like my coffee: dark and bitter, with a little grit at the end. So when the dame stepped into my office, I thought she looked promising. Any dick worth his badge (or worth his pay, if he’s in my line of work) could tell she was out for blood....

Sometimes, Blindness is Bliss

I like swimming with goggles. There’s something about being able to see what’s going on in the water around you (where the pool wall is how deep the bottom is, what’s creeping up on you, etc) that I’ve always found comforting. Well, that and it keeps my eyes from...

Click here for unexpected fulfillment

My second day in Turkey was one long exercise in flexibility. Never since then have I begun a day so frustrated and confused, and yet never since then have I ended a day so happy with how things turned out. The first bump in my plans came the night before, when I was...