
So I have been sitting, staring at my computer for awhile now, struggling to come up with something to write about for this final blog post. I know that I have learned a lot and that I have changed as a person, but it is too soon and too close. I haven’t had a chance...

A Snapshot

I thought it would be entertaining to post a snapshot of my average dig day schedule, even an exaggerated one, so here it goes: 4:50am – wake up…groan…hide face in pillow…get out of bed…stumble around in dark…get blinded by bathroom light...

A Couple of

I want to talk about Turkey for this one. I want to talk about my experiences, interactions, what have you, with this country that I have been living in for the past couple of weeks. I’ll start with a little background. Last year was my first visit. My dad flew...


Today was another returning because it was today that the group visited Anamur, quite possibly my favorite site. Maybe because it is one of the most intact sites, it has a massive necropolis, a significant bath, a theater, multiple pieces of mosaic, and my personal...

A Returning

So here I am in Turkey, in Antioch ad Cragum, for a second time. It’s a funny thing because I wasn’t expecting to be back, I’m not going to be an archeologist and I doubt I’ll end up an academic historian for all that I’m a history major, but here I am. Why’s that I...