Final Blog Post

Before this project, my only experience with archaeology were the Indiana Jones movies and I had only a vague idea of what real archaeology entailed. This program taught me that attention to detail is vital to successful archaeology. We detailed every soil change,...

We Found Something!

In trench 4, we have struggled to find anything of importance. While most other trenches have uncovered interesting features and cool objects, we have remained stuck in the “fill layer”. This is the layer of sterile, fluffy soil blown in by the wind over...

Some Perspective

This past weekend, we toured several ancient sites near the city of Antalya, about three hours from our town. At Perge, a site which had been a large Roman city complete with a colonnaded street and a great bath complex, Professor Howe mentioned that our site is as...

The First Commandment

This week in Trench 4, we put together “Claire’s Ten Commandments”, based on the rules of our awesome TA. Commandment 1 is definitely the most important. It’s a phrase heard constantly during the workday: Don’t pry rocks! In Trench 4,...

First Week in Turkey

Turkey is hot. This isn’t exactly news to most people, but as someone used to relatively cool New Jersey summers, the Mediterranean climate takes some getting used to. Despite the heat, this has been an amazing first week as part of the Archeological Field...