I am writing this the night before our departure, hoping that I have not forgotten some crucial element of the visa application that will make it impossible for me to participate in the internship. I am reading a little more about the research performed on the site up till now and I have yet to really get a grasp on it. It would be nice if things start to make better sense to me once I have been on site. We will see what happens.

I think that I would love to see one of the coins described by Howe. I think that sometimes I am able to write off historical spaces as a kind of set dressing, unable to imagine any life that has been lived there. I wonder if seeing an object used daily in the trades in Antiochia would make the life that was once there become more real for me.

I am super excited to be in Gazipaşa. It is hard to decide on what I want to see. If I had to say, I am excited to see the Mediterranean sea. I’ve never seen it. I love being around water. Not even swimming necessarily. I just love the sea.