One place at the dig site I am really excited to see is the Great Bath complex.  I would love to see what remains of the mosaic floors, especially in the apse, since Hoff mentions that it was particularly preserved when it was uncovered in excavations.  I think that the preservation of the original mosaic floors is really interesting especially considering that they are often detailed and intricately made.  I’ve had the opportunity before to see and stand on original mosaic floors and I am really excited to be able to do that again.  It is crazy to think about the fact that these floors have existed for centuries and it is just super cool to be able to see that history leave behind remnants for us to still see today.  It just seems so impressive what people were able to achieve without all of our modern advancements and technology and that it has managed to stand the test of time at least in part.  I also found myself curious about the glass factory that Hoff mentions the court was turned into and the fact that potentially entrances were blocked to the bath due to that factory.  Although maybe that is my wishing to simply know more about the glass factory and why it was built next to the baths.

One thing that I am excited to do around Gazipasa is to just explore the town and to go to the beach/cove.  I think that it can be really fun to just wander around a town and just see what you discover or come across.  Additionally, the beaches around Gazipasa seem really pretty from the pictures and I am excited to be able to go see and experience them in person.  It will also be a fun way to cool down a little from the heat of Turkey and to hopefully hang out with others.