After all my reading about Antiochia I want to see everything, but I would say I most want to see the residential complex mentioned by Hoff. et al. I choose this because part of what drew me to archaeology was getting to learn about how people lived, and I think that seeing where the structure is will help me have a better understanding of what it was like living there. I also chose the residential complex because I’m not used to seeing buildings that have been around for as long the ones at Antiochia have, so I also just want to look at them and think about how long they have been there for. Besides the building itself, I also want to see what else is nearby it, so I can hopefully get a better sense of how housing was connected to the rest of the city.

On my first day before the dig starts I want to walk around some and try to get used to both the weather and the time difference. My previous experience has been that spending time outside helps a lot with adjusting to a time change, which I want to do as much as possible before the dig starts.