With each day of perfecting the archaeological squat on the Acropolis North Slope, my awe, curiosity, and hip flexors grow stronger.

Today, the 6Beasts, led by the brilliant rock haulin’ pick axin’ boss lady Audrey, briefly exiled me to 6E, where I pryed and picked and hauled and breaked to replenish the liquid lost. I fought hard against a root system that laughed at my hopes of its destruction; still, patience and perseverance worked in my favor, and the cracks of dry wood echoed hours later.

The mystery of 6B resumed with a warm welcome home after tea duty, where the team contemplated wall fall and strategic stone placement, surfaces and alleys, and terraces and Terrances. Stuffed into a three-meter square with five other people makes for quite the strategic problem solving, but leaves little room for treasured solitude, a need I have long known I require. Still, last night I dreamed of the square on the slope and the people who squatted before me. I cannot escape.

I maintain humility with the knowledge of my abilities and limits shifting like the landscape I stand upon, growing like the roots I try and fail at breaking down, and morphing like the schist who’s puns are far too easy to make. Everyday I am in awe of the land I stand upon, and all that is underneath.