• I’ve learned here that it is important to communicate with others and have patience. Communication allows for growth and understanding, especially when teamwork is critical. Patience is self-explanitory: if you allow others time to grow or talk, it produces a productive and evolving community. I would best sum this up as teamwork.

  • Another vital skill I learned is digging with an open mind. When at an archaeological site it’s easy to guess what lies below. However, these assumptions can cloud our judgements and persuade how we dig and what we look for. It’s best to dig without these preconceived beliefs. Dig now, think later.

  • The most memorable experience I had while working on this project is my interactions with my small group. To pass the time, each day my group of 4 to 5 would talk all day long. These conversations ranged from questions about movies and books to philosophy. Its hard to choose one memory. But, my favorite talk we had was our discussion on the hunger games. We argued over who would win if we all played; many disagreed and fun banter ensued.

  • My perspective on Turkiye has changed a lot. The people here are extremely nice and welcoming compared to the stereotypes presented and championed by ignorant Americans. Everyone is human and it’s easy to miss that we have more similarities than differences.

  • A piece of advice is to alleviate yourself of all outside pressure. I know it’s difficult seeing how our world constantly bombards us with work and social stresses, and I’ve seen how these can hinder and ruin people’s experiences here. While we are expected to do certain tasks and work in Turkiye, it is a more relaxed setting compared to school. You don’t need to push yourself to the physical limit while digging and you don’t need to write the best essay each week. I think it’s best to do what you can do and put in your heart and energy while doing it. Furthermore, enjoy Turkiye while you’re here. Take in the views, talk to people, and do stuff that seems fun.

  • I would participate in another archaeological excavation. This was a fun and learning experience. While it wasn’t perfect, I had an amazing time and the month flew by. I didn’t set any expectations on myself or Turkiye, and I’d highly recommend having that mindset.