My experience participating in archaeology and residing in Turkey has introduced to me new personal values as well as a new strategic approach of thinking. In the past week, I have been astonished by the level of hospitality that I have received. From a family selflessly driving me to an ATM when I was in a pinch for cash, or constant invitations for chai and a conversation, it is truly amazing the warm reception I have experienced. This cultural value of Turkish hospitality has taught me how impactful offering your kindness and generosity can have on others. From a career perspective, it is vitally important to develop strong relationships with your companions, and hospitality in whatever form it may be, aids in creating these relationships. The Turkish people have taught me the importance of hospitality, and I plan on brining this lesson back to me to the states.

Another valuable piece of knowledge I have picked up has been from archaeology and listening to Tim. Tim’s creed of avoiding assumptions and exercising patience in gathering data  for executing precise, credible archaeology has stuck with me. I have also considered how this logical approach in archaeology can also be applied to an infinite number of circumstances we encounter day to day. Whether it be an academic research project or encountering a stressful situation. The moment our brains instill assumptions with no evidence to support such thing, we narrow our outlook and blind ourselves from the reality of the situation. What we should logically do is approach scenarios with unbiased curiosity to gather data or information and then make credible observations or speculations. Both of these Archaeological and Cultural lessons I have learned in Turkey have been invaluable, and I am excited to carry them with me in the future.