If I were to summarize my time in Turkey to a potential employer, I would emphasize that this experience has taught me resilience. In addition, it has allowed me to grow my archaeology knowledge, team-work skills, and critical thinking skills. 

Through this opportunity, I have acquired an in-depth background in archaeological research. The information is from both our course readings and in-person experience in field technologies. I can now prepare a site for excavation, which entails leveling to an even surface, removing detritus organic matter, and finding a soil change on the Munsell soil kit. I have also learned the equation for calculating the opening of a new locus, and the proper way to use elevation equipment to measure the heights of features. I have also learned how to process evidence by photographing features in situ (context), and proper storage protocol. 

I have also had opportunities to polish my social skills group when interfacing with my unit-mates and other groups from separate dig areas. Collaborating, compromising, and communicating are essential skills to have in this environment. My group and I work together every night to communicate the day’s activities concisely in writing. The notebooks are sent to the Turkish government for review, and are a team collaboration including elevations, diagrams, and other necessary information. Since it is a collaborative effort, the notebook exercises have allowed all of us to work together as a group, and strengthened our team. 

Finally, I honed my critical thinking skills. On site, we are expected to examine evidence, inconsistencies, and features to make our own interpretations. This discussion allows all of us to create our own ideas while concurrently practicing our critical thinking skills. I have also attended workshops in my free time covering technical drawing techniques used in the processing of small pottery finds in the laboratory on campus. I have learned from a pottery specialist about proper processing, classification, and reconstruction. Finally, I have created my own technical illustrations myself under the guidance of the provided tutors. This geometric art expanded my view of pottery shards and equipped me with the tools to make my own conclusions about their forms. 

All of the skills I have listed above will be beneficial in a future career. They were all multifaceted, collaborative, and versatile learning opportunities; more than anything, I feel this experience has taught me resilience. The past month has tested all of us both physically and mentally, but through it I have discovered I am more capable of adapting to challenging circumstances than I once thought. I would want my future employer to know that this experience has given me the confidence to tackle even the toughest of challenges head-on, and the resiliency to adapt to achieve my goals.