My second year in college, I was given the opportunity to travel to Turkey with my school to participate in an archaeological research internship. I spent 4 weeks in Gazipasa, Turkey working on the site of Antiochia ad Cragum. I learned about the history and the geography and a bit of the geological information of the area. I was assigned a 3×3 meter unit where I had to clear, level and then conduct excavation passes of 5cm. Our program group also traveled to other sites in the area to get a greater understanding of the significance of Gazipasa and the surrounding area in the greater history of the ancient Roman Empire. I enjoyed the experience very much and it helped teach me how to work with others in an outdoor/heavy labor setting. It was something I had never done before and it also opened the door to new paths that I might want to take in the future. It also showed me a bit of what this field is really like, not just Indiana Jones-ing everything. I was also given the opportunity to work with another program team member to do some surveying work where we took measurements and elevations of areas within the larger excavation site.

A lot of the work done is a bit repetitive, to be honest, but it is essential and it does require a lot of patience, and that is definitely another skill that I further developed as I am not always the most patient person. Especially when working in groups with people that one might not always agree or align with, patience is very important, and having the knowledge of when to speak up or to let things pass is also a skill I have had to practice and work on. I have gained a new appreciation for a culture I had not experienced before, especially from working with other Turkish students and their professors and having them share their lifestyles with me.

I definitely believe that the team working and patience skills that I have practiced and developed here will help me in many future endeavors. I have also learned some basic archaeological skills that I can use later on for future digs and projects and so I am very glad to now have those base skills.