Archaeology has been physically demanding, as I had expected, however there has been more preparation into excavations as I had previously thought. Reflecting on the site’s initial condition, there have been many rocks and dirt moved that has added more definition to our site. As we have uncovered more of our site, I have thought more about the structure’s design. How thick are the walls and why? How did they heat or cool the house? This question was answered by Professor Howe. He said to cool homes water was pumped into the building where the moisture from the evaporation would elevate through a hole on the roof. Other questions like what functions did individual rooms serve, were they singular or multi-purposed? These types of questions will continue throughout the dig, and many will be answered though finding artifacts. I briefly experienced Turkish culture for three days in Istanbul prior to arriving in Gazipasa. Culturally, I have found the Turks to be very accommodating when eating out. There usually is a language barrier, so I usually order through Google Translate or have them choose a menu item for me. In public spaces they do not mind being crowded in each other’s space. Which I also think translates into their driving. They do not mind aggressive driving, which I appreciate because I am from New Jersey