After two weeks of archaeology I have discovered that this is something I really enjoy
doing. Theres something about working really hard and having something to show for
it that really satisfies me. I love watching pottery bags fill up with all the ceramics We
find, I love watching the dirt move through the sifter, I love washing people scrape at
the dirt to uncover more ceramics. Moving rocks and digging holes is satisfying work
can see the progress you have made. Since we sort of jumped into the deep end, we
were all forced to acclimate new climate. I have found that over the course of the two
weeks, I stopped noticing the heat while I’m working. I’ve tricked my brain into
believing that I’m not sweating because it’s hot, I’m sweating because I’m working so
hard. It’s good to know that I can adapt so easily to a new situation.
Thinking about how there was once someone who held the same piece of pottery
that I held this week is fascinating to think about. I’ve always been fascinated by
what we leave behind. Seeing someone’s mosaic that they worked hard on get
uncovered after centuries of no one seeing it fills me with an emotion I cannot
describe. After working in Small Bath for a week, I’ve been wondering how each room
looked as the years went on and how things have changed over time. In each room
the current goal is to find the floor, but after years of digging we still haven’t found it
in Frig 3 and Frig 4. It makes me wonder how the bath looked when it was built and
how much of it is left to uncover.