When I arrived in Turkey I didn’t really know what to expect. I didn’t really know what
was doing and it added to the already present anxiety of traveling overseas alone for
the first time. My main priority when I landed was to just keep myself awake until later
in the evening in an attempt to keep a consistent schedule. Things ran smoothly over
the weekend as I tried to get to know the people I was going to be living and working
with for the next month.
Each day added new challenges as we ventured into the world of archaeology. It
didn’t take long for me to get acclimated to a routine. It’s a simple routine that I can
follow: wake up, get ready, out the door by 5:25, get to the site, work, and be back
around 2. It’s simple and easy to follow. The consistency eases some anxiety I had
about this trip. Around day three I had felt like this life was all I knew, I know it seems
a bit early to say something like that, but the work and the exhaustion had consumed
me to the point that I felt like this was my whole life. The majority of us spent the
week pulling roots and moving rocks. Some of us went to go work at another site and
some of us, me included, got to work with Brian, the site surveyor, but for the most
part we all worked together to get our area ready for excavation. Part of me hears my
parents saying something like, “So it’s yard work and home remodeling? You could’ve
done that here.” But another part knows that they are happy that I am putting myself
out there and experiencing new things.
I’m happy with my choice to come out here. I’m excited to see what the next few
weeks hold for me.