I arrived at the dig house on July 1, 2018 at 2am. Most of the American team arrived later in the afternoon, so I was able to spend the first day at the beach with the Turkish students and a couple of fellow Oles. One Turkish student brought a guitar and played music beside the Mediterranean shore. We all sat on the rocks and sang along.

The Turkish students love music. In the bus, after a long dig day, several Turks stood from their seats and began to dance to the radio, laughing and snapping their fingers. The dance party continued until we reached the house. One of my roommates who speaks a little English plays Maroon 5 and Sia in the room. Though I often need Google Translate to communicate with her, when she plays music, I feel as though there is no language barrier between us. The Turkish are social, caring, curious, and, above all, hospitable. We spend our evenings talking outside, enjoying the company of one another.

Just Some Turkish Things:
• Merhaba: Hello
• Lezzetli: Delicious
• Rice pilaf, cucumber, tomato, salty olives
• Banana trees
• Scorpions