Since I got off the plane into Gazipaşa, this week has been all about adjustments and adapting to conditions. One the most obvious adjustments that everyone had to make was the time change, especially coming from the west coast of the United States. I had not mentally prepared myself for the first night, since I only was able to get one hour of sleep. But during the days, I felt well rested and ready for digging.
The days were more what I was expecting: digging in the dirt working with others on the same site and taking notes in our notebooks. Walking around the church and learning the history of the site, while taking in the magnificent view onto the ocean and fields, felt wonderful and energizing each day. Then the second half of the day, when we came back to the dig house and either washed or drew pottery, seemed to be an entirely different day. Since I naturally enjoyed pottery drawing, Ismael explained that there are different difficulties when drawing pottery, based on the shape, how it has cracked or chipped, or to what part of the pottery the piece fits. Nevertheless, I am now used to the busy schedule.
But the time adjustment was minor compared to communicating. Especially in the first few days, some American students including myself had to use the Turkish students’ phones for Google translate; up to today, we have been able to gesture and learn basic words (e.g. potatoes- “patates,” cheers- “salu”), which I have learned is more efficient for communicating easy concepts like ‘eating’ or ‘BandAids’. Everyone is really trying to understand the different languages, even though it is not necessary, which is assuring to me.
Because I have been to Turkey before, namely Istanbul, I thought that most of Turkey was like that: always getting you somewhere, only being nice when they have to, and not very talkative. Throughout this week by talking with Bedri, Ismael, Ece, Ufuk, Ramazan, and everyone one else that the Turkish are always looking towards your best interests and are easy to talk with, at least those who know more English. I really enjoyed my first week and am ready for more.