If anyone were to ask me to describe my experience in Turkey, the only phrase that immediately comes to mind, would be “breakneck.”  From the very moment I arrived, up to me now writing this last blog in the relative comfort of my dust-ridden bed, everything here has progressed and unfolded with unbelievable rapidity.  Truly, from the pace at which we are learning new material, to the speed at which we are able to work efficiently on site, to even the literal tumble I had a couple weeks back down the dump pile and off the cliff, it has all been at a breakneck speed!

I would not trade this experience for anything in the world.  In just these few short weeks I feel like I have absorbed more usable knowledge than I ever could have in a year of classroom settings.  But even beyond that I have picked up on so much more than just the academic side of things.  I have learned more about the various cultures that Turkey has to offer and how a tacky American like me is able to comfortably fit into it all.  I have learned just how far friendships/relationships/connections can take you.  And I have even learned the true meaning of “a rock and a hard place,” and why you should never get your hand caught between them.

If there is anyone who has not yet done this and is seriously considering, my advice would be to just go for it!  Understand that for the duration of this trip you will always be dirty, you will always be tired, and you will always be sore, but it is an experience that if you do not take advantage of, you may never get again.  Almost every last second is a memory in itself.