Without hesitation I would repeat this experience again. A day hasn’t gone by that I feel a little homesick or worn out, but these negative feelings pale in comparison with positives incurred. For everything I have gained, experience, knowledge, friends, professionality and perspective I have lost my fair share. I have shed gallons of sweat, cut ties with selfishness, left behind a few socks, and removed myself from modesty. Collectively I feel whole, and unabashedly myself.

Removed from any and all sense of familiarity I am in my own. Validation and sense of purpose are two things I have earned. While I am infinitely more learned in the proper way to dig a damn good hole, I also realize that I have a long, long way to go. I thought I would be walking out of here with my noggin filled to the brim, educated as a burgeoning archaeologist. However now I realize how far away from that end goal I am. Even more than that the end goal itself is a falsehood. Without sounding too cliche this feels like the start of journey that will last the rest of my life. I have a lot to work on, my documentation needs to be more intensive, and my thinking more critical. But these realizations are valuable himself, as long as I do something about it.

Stress has been a big problem for me in my life, but here if feel pretty carefree. Even though I am soaked to the bone in sweat, and caked in dirt there is cleansing quality to the work we do here. I do think the states are a better fit, I do feel an attraction to the river valleys of the midwest where I grew up. While I can’t imagine what working there will hold but for now this is more than enough. I really hope I get the chance to come back. Looking at the site and seeing all that is left it pains me to imagine missing out for even a day. Unfortunately my time here is coming to a close, but it also is starting to feel like it’s time. I am out of clean clothes, and a steak sounds really good.