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Subject: Status Report on investigative unit AACFS_AC5 (codename “THE FILTHY FIVE”)
Reporting Operative: AACFS_AC5_02 (codename “KEEN”)
Commanding Operative: AACFS_AC5_00 (codename “KIRBUS”)
Location: 36° 16' 6.5280'' N, 32° 18' 1.3428'' E
Timestamp: 04:08:20 (local time), 08/03/2015
Summary: THE FILTHY FIVE functions exceptionally well together, despite investigative difficulties. External contamination hinders empirical analysis. Limi-ted evidence suggests impetus for building’s construction and destruction. New investigation is underway.
Message: Investigative unit THE FILTHY FIVE has become uniquely cohesive. Operatives FEROCIOUS, STALWART and BEAST display admirable levels of collaboration, and C.O. KIRBUS equally maintains both THE FILTHY FIVE’s focus and moral. Under KIRBUS, repetitive and laborious tasks have not adversely influenced indi-vidual  diligence. His continued assignment here is highly recommended.
Excavation of locus 1 at AACFS_AC5_A (hereafter “trench AC5A”) yielded few functional and/or stratigraphic data. Moderate contamination by invasive organics(hereafter “roots” or “animals”) and materialistic trespassers (hereafter “looters”) had disturbed soil stratification to a depth of approximately 1 meter. Stones consistent with a collapsed structural surface (hereafter “wall-fall”) were mingled with soil all through the southern and central regions of trench AC5A, further obfuscating the remains of original features.
Excavation of locus 2 at trench AC5A yielded limited intel into the structure’s original function and ultimate destruction. Charcoal and burned sherds were found throughout the locus, especially along the north wall. The northwest corner was found to contain geological terminus (hereafter “bedrock”), with an i-ndentation that seemed man-made. Further excavation in this area uncovered clusters of charcoal and burned coarse and semi-fine sherds, with each cluster c-orresponding to a separate vessel. Soil between these sherds was rich in organic matter as well as charcoal. Combined, these data are consistent  excessive-ly exothermic oxidation of a combustible repository for ceramic storage units.
Subsequent excavations reached bedrock, and further investigation of trench AC5A was halted. Investigations have now commenced on AACFS_AC5_C (hereafter “t-rench AC5C”), located adjacent to the south side of AC5A. Further results and analyses may be too sensitive for electronic transmission. Time of next update is uncertain.
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