Thus far, Turkey has been nothing short of amazing!  However, I have come to realize that this kind of marvelous can come with a price.  From the plants, to the rocks, to the wildlife, and finally to the sea, everything is out to get you.  But not in the Australia sense where everything is there to kill you, just in the good old fashioned maiming way.   So far there have been a plethora of minor injuries and boo-boo’s.  Ranging from the daily manual labor, the ever feared donkey-bee sting, to sliding down a steep incline on the way to the cove.  Or, through my own personal experience, putting your feet on some rocks that barnacles had claimed for themselves.

But despite all that, I am constantly amazed by all the students here are pushing through, smiling, and having a good time not only with each other, but with the constant work, and subsequent constant minor injuries that it seems everyone must face at some point!