At the beginning of the second week in trench AC1 we found floor. It was a lovely floor, plastered and smoothed and perfect in every way, save for one little confused corner. I say confused because it was having a serious identity crisis. Anyway, circumstances being what they were, we decided it was necessary to dig down through that little confused corner and we just never really stopped. We dug down through the floor, down through rubble, down through packed clay-soil, down through gray powdered soil, down through…ok, we actually stopped there but only because this annoying thing called the end of the season happened.

Anyway, while we jokingly called it The Pit of Hell, it never failed to be an interesting place. Being the smallest person in my trench, I was soon put in charge of it which was amazing because I knew that everyday I was going to go down there and discover at least four or five different kinda of finds. For example, even if there weren’t beam holes in our east wall we would have been able to guess that there was a floor because of the layer of nails that I found. Then there was a layer of glass shards, a layer of animal bones, and a layer of pottery shards and fine wear. Each layer of finds added to our understanding of what exactly went on in our trench. Now we have reached the maybe floor, maybe not floor thing.  In the end, our journey down to the center of the earth was stopped by a maybe floor, maybe not floor, but that’s a question that will have to wait for another season.