I would not venture to attempt a complete packing list, but I would say, besides dig clothes that might get trashed, to be sure to bring: a water bottle, work gloves, sunglasses, duct tape, ziplock bags, sunscreen, a hat, several bandanas, swim goggles, a tablet or laptop, laundry soap (for hand washing), and comfy yet sturdy sandals (Chacos recommended).

This excavation season has, of course, been full of incredible moments, and I certainly cannot choose one as definitively above the rest. However, I will say that the moment in which I uncovered and picked up a small clay lamp was truly incredible. I had cleared enough soil to see that there was something large, and maybe even mostly incomplete, sitting in front of me, and so I lightly tugged, to see if it was still covered by soil. It lifted with the slightest “pop,” as though gently being released by the earth, and then I was holding it in my hand. To me it was so very beautiful; cute, I suppose, would be more accurate, given its petite size, but also beautiful, asymmetry and all. I had found other artifacts before, and did again, but that experience, that little lamp, impressed upon me the thrill of holding an object, seemingly intact, which had been buried beneath the earth, and was for the first time in centuries held in human hands: my hands.