In trench 4, we have struggled to find anything of importance. While most other trenches have uncovered interesting features and cool objects, we have remained stuck in the “fill layer”. This is the layer of sterile, fluffy soil blown in by the wind over the past 1500 years.  Our job has been removing the fluff in order to find anything of importance. Unfortunately for trench 4, the building that we are excavating is two stories tall and almost completely filled with fluffy fill. For three weeks our daily routine has consisted of hauling dirt. But this week, we finally found something. A wall emerged in the northeast section of our trench. It formed a rectangular box against the east wall. The bottom of the new area seems to be a layer of bedrock. It seems to have been used as some sort of storage area, possibly for amphora. It certainly makes our trench look more like a room. Hopefully there will be other finds before the season’s end.