I was fortunate enough to find an object of interest or two within the past week, and I must say that it is one of the best and rarest feelings in the world. I have heard it being said that our generation has the doom of being stuck between mankind fully discovering the Earth and beginning to seriously explore space. Because of our place in time, the moments of genuine discovery are left to those few polite treasure hunters who call themselves “archaeologists”. Aside from this rare pleasure of discovery, there is also the joy present in knowing that I found something that, by itself, helped to understand the site we are working on.

A significant amount of progress has been made at where we have been working. As many have jokingly said, it does indeed look like someone actually lived there at some point. I also had the good fortunate to observe the first two columns being raised at our site. From these experiences, it becomes more and more tangible that this work that we are putting in will be a very real cultural resource in the future. Being a student that normally spends his life currently preparing for the future, it was nice to see something being restored in which I can think “I helped”.