I carried a lot of buckets this week. Up in trench four of the acropolis we are still doing large 20-30 cm passes, as the fill that we are excavating is still very sterile. Hence, we are still going at it with big picks and shovels, and I soon found my place in the team as the bucket person. Someone has to so it. The week was a bit monotonous because we did basically the same thing every day, but one big find we had was that there appears to be a small room in our northeast corner. The current guess is that it might have been used for some sort of storage, but we won’t know more until we get lower down. Also, there is no sign of a doorway yet, so it is definitely a work in progress in terms of understanding it. Something that helped me get through the week was the new appreciation I have for our sight after Sunday’s field trip and seeing the great cities of Perge and Aspendos. I couldn’t believe it when we were told that Antiochia is as out the same size as Perge. It gave me a whole new perspective on the scale of our site and how significant it is/could be. The other thing that I enjoyed about the field trip was that having had the experience of working on a Roman site myself I feel like I understood and noticed a lot more about the cities and the construction of buildings than I would have otherwise; it was pretty cool.