This past weekend, we toured several ancient sites near the city of Antalya, about three hours from our town. At Perge, a site which had been a large Roman city complete with a colonnaded street and a great bath complex, Professor Howe mentioned that our site is as large and impressive as the one at Perge. It was an eye opening moment. We had discussed our site and what it contains but I never fully grasped it’s enormous potential. As I walked around our site this week, I imagined the yet uncovered ruins under my feet. Now, Perge took decades to excavate fully and our site is only just beginning the process. It will be many years before our site resembles anything like Perge. Still, we have made impressive progress this summer. In my trench on the Upper Acropolis, walls that at the beginning of the trip were underground are now above my head. For me, seeing a fully excavated site gave me a clearer picture of what our site could be and made our work seem all the more worthwhile.