
I began this week the same way I did last week: I kept digging deeper into my pit in order to find the bedrock foundation for the temple and retaining walls. And I seemingly found it on Tuesday, and so I spent my last day in the trench cleaning off/ out what appeared to be bedrock. It turns out that my pit went deeper than assumed by the experts, but I was already reassigned to Trench 5 on the Acropolis for the purpose of articulating the dirty, root-infested walls there. I have been enjoying working with my archaeological compatriots again, though this trench definitely outmatches my pit for the amount of dirt it holds. My main goal for this trench and the final days of the dig is to find the full extent of the wall separating the main area of the trench with the Bothros ( properly pronounced voth-ros), which we think was a storage area outside the main room (I’m in a building now). I started this task in the afternoon on Wednesday, which carried on into Thursday. And, on Friday, I took a crash course in wall articulation from one of the T.A.s we have here in the Field school. I found it very helpful, so hopefully I can be more useful in my trench. I’ve also had to clip a lot of roots to clear of the top of this wall and the insides of a few others. Not only does the amount of roots display how overgrown the Acropolis was before we got to it, but it also shows how much work has happened up here while I was up on the Temple- it shows the impact of what the class as a whole has been doing. Even though I miss my pit sometimes- especially when it’s very sunny- I’m excited to finish off my time by working up on the Acropolis and finding this wall.

Picture- The area of the Bothros wall I’ve been working on this week.