This past weekend we visited Alanya and went to the Museum of Archeaology which was really interesting. There was some great artifacts and blurbs about things similar to what we are focusing on. There was even a Pegasus ornament that was used on an antique ship that came from our very site, Antiochia ad Cragum. It was cool to think that we have the potential of finding artifacts that could end up in a museum too. That Pegasus ornament gave me hope for finding something in our own trenches up at the Acropolis. Whenever digging in the hot sun gets hard or frustrating, I picture that ship ornament and just think that this next layer of soil that we are scrapping off could uncover something even more incredible! At times it’s annoying and tedious but it’s also exciting and mysterious. You never know what could pop up after you drag your pick across the soil.
A few of us stayed in Alanya after the rest of the group went back to Gasipasa and it was fun to be able to explore on our own in a foreign city. We got turned around a few times but isn’t getting a little lost half the fun of exploring? We are now experts at using the bus transportation system in Alanya after taking several in our attempt to get back home to Gazipasa. We hope to make it back to Alanya during one of these upcoming weekends to check out the expansive and lively beaches, which is always a nice break from our day to day manual labor of hauling rocks and soil.
I’m excited for the days ahead and can’t wait to see what we uncover next!