This week up in Claire’s trench we were excited because we thought we might be starting our trenches soon… But it turns out we got to channel that excitement into hauling rocks and excess dirt for another five days. It wasn’t the most glamorous of tasks, but it had to be done and it wad satisfying just to make progress in leveling out the ground by demolishing over a meter of dirt/rocks/roots with nothing but hand tools.
Even though we’ve all grown unreasonably attached to our trenches and our respective little sections of wall, I have to say I did enjoy going over to Lizzy’s trench on Thursday, where I learned how to work with a little more finesse (eg. how to hold a trowel correctly, for starters). Unfortunately, on Friday I was a little under the weather, but as I wasn’t feeling up to working on the acropolis, I was happy to have the chance to work with Zoe for a bit and see what the RTI photography was all about. Our task for the day was to photograph artifacts that had recently been found on the site. To my surprise, I soon found out that this actually meant 37 pictures of each artifact! I look forward to seeing how the images turn out, using the technology to merge all of those snapshots into one enhanced image. Assuming I get better soon, I can’t wait to see what’s happened up on the acropolis in my absence. It’s amazing how much the place can change in just a day.