This marks the end of our first full week of working at Antiochia. My body aches but everyday we strip away a little, or a lot, more soil, which is pretty neat. On Monday we got our trenches and I have been working in the same trench since. It has been a very exciting but also a very confusing trench because of a certain rectangle of stones in the southwest corner. They were clearly placed there because some of the stones are built into the west wall but we are not quite sure what their purpose is. So far we have gone through four theories as to what their purpose is and are currently on our fifth. At first, we thought the stones might be wall fall, but then we moved on to a floor, then a ledge, or walkway, then a drain, and now we are thinking it might be a grave. Unfortunately we won’t be able to figure it out until next week. In any case, what do all these theories mean for me? Well, I just keep digging. But in any case, right now it is a three day weekend because Ramadan is ending which means it’s time for me to catch up on my sleep!