So far, the first five days in Turkey have been a blast, and I can’t wait to experience the next three weeks! It was a little rough getting adjusted after a long day of travel and on top of that getting up at 5 am the next day, but I think most of us have made it through the jet lag (although I’m not sure we’ll get used to waking up at 5am). The first few days at the site were not quite what I expected, since we were pretty much starting from scratch. But after a few days in I think it has been nice to ease into all the archaeology terminology and practices instead of having to dive right in the first day. Daily naps, cold showers, swims in the cove and the ocean, and the delicious food has made it easier to get through all the hard work. On top of that, finding things like the cross and some of the worked stone, as well as simply seeing the progress we’ve made fighting against the giant rocks and bushed the past three days also made the hours of work worth it. I am looking forward to seeing what else we’ll uncover!